Award Categories:
Best Student Photo - Three monetary awards for best photo submitted by a student
registered at a high school, college or university. 1st place $250, 2nd $150 and 3rd place $100. Amounts
are in U.S. dollars. Cash prizes open to U.S. and Canadian residents only.
Theme Top 20 - 6-7 photos from each theme, for a total of 20 photos. Photos from our 2021 and 2022 competition will be combined into
information graphic posters which teach aspects of Rhododendron such as their
biology, ecology and horticulture. Specific content will be determined based on the photos
received. The poster will be available for download at the ARS-Next Gen webpage. Photographer credits will be shown. Top 20 winners will receive a
complementary 18" x 24" printed copy of the poster.
Archive Superstar - Awarded to three photographers who make the most substantial contribution to the photo archive based on number,
variety and quality of the photos. Archive Superstars will each be featured in a presentation at the ARS Fall Conference, convention, on our Flickr page, and in a
dedicated social media post celebrating their contributions.
Archive Contributor - All photos of a Rhododendron that meet basic quality standards will be included in the archive. Archive
Contributors will be featured on the Flickr page, and names will be recognized in a thank you post on social media, unless they choose to remain anonymous.
Award-winning photos will be displayed with photo credit on the ARS
Next-Gen Flicker page and on the ARS Facebook